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Founders Roxanne & Franck
Rescued primate

JACK Sanctuary (Jeunes Animal Confisques au Katanga) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) specialise in the rescue and rehabilitation of Chimpanzees and other primates, caught up in the illegal wildlife trade.


OAT's involvement in the project came about when we responded to a public appeal from PASA (Pan African Sanctuary Alliance) to help with the rehabilitation of 33 primates, confiscated by the wildlife authorities in Zimbabwe. The primates were taken from the wild in DRC as part of an illegal wildlife trade deal. Fortunately, the specialised wildlife trade authorities were made aware of this and were able to intervene when the truck carrying the primates was intercepted in Zimbabwe. It is believed they were en-route to South Africa before being exported to the East to those who had purchased them as exotic pets or for exhibits within zoos and circuses. 


Once confiscated, the primates needed urgent care and attention due to the stress they had endured, and this was provided by a small animal welfare rescue centre in Zimbabwe with the help of Lisa Hywood - founder of the Tikki Hywood Foundation - another OAT supported project. The primates remained at this facility until the necessary paperwork was obtained to repatriate them to DRC. Sadly, the administrative process took 4 months and 4 of them didn't survive, but the good news is that 29 are now back in DRC and thanks to experienced carers at the JACK sanctuary they are well on their way to being rehabilitated. Once this process is completed, they will be returned to the wilds of DRC where they belong. 


JACK specialise in the rehabilitation of chimpanzees, which is very different from primate rehabilitation and in order to receive the 29 primates they needed to build specific enclosures and accommodation. With funding from OAT and others, they managed to build this facility in record time. 

What JACK does



  • Stop the illegal trade of apes and primates throughout the country by enforcing laws on wildlife


  • Give the confiscated orphans a decent refuge with all the needed love and care


  • Release rehabilitated orphans back in the wild 



  • Funding for a primate specific rehabilitation facility


  • Funding to assist with costs associated with rescue


How Olsen Animal Trust helps

​Project Images - hover over for details

Large primate rescue
New OAT enclosures
Rescued primate enjoying a treat
OATOKE meeting resident chimps
OATOKE with rescued baby chimp
OATOKE with project founders
Tethered 'vehicle guard'
Baby chimp confiscation
Life on a chain
OATOKE to the rescue
Chained prisoner rescued
Surrogate mum Roxanne

For further information on the amazing work of the JACK please visit

 © JACK Sanctuary, Olsen Animal Trust All rights reserved
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