Eduardo Goncalves - Founder


"Killing animals for pleasure is cruel, unnecessary, and has no place in a civilised society."
The Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting (CBTH) was set up in 2018 by former League Against Cruel Sports CEO Eduardo Goncalves, former WWF International Director Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE, and actor and leading animal advocate Peter Egan.
The campaign is Britain’s and the world’s leading organisation working to abolish ALL Trophy Hunting and since its launch they have been fighting to persuade the British government to stop hunters from bringing home the trophies of defenceless animals they’ve killed for “sport” back into the country.
It may come as a surprise to many to learn that our government has allowed hunters to bring home hundreds of trophies of endangered animals and has even permitted several tons of ivory from elephants killed by British hunters to be imported. Also, the number of lion trophies coming into Britain has actually increased since the global outcry over the killing of Cecil the lion.
The government has now pledged to ban trophies of all threatened, vulnerable and endangered animals. This is a huge step in the right direction, and they / we are currently awaiting a date for the bill to be introduced to Parliament.
OAT have provided funding in support of this vital campaign for a few years now and we will continue to do so until this abhorrent practice becomes a thing of the past. Humans have no right to take the life of an animal for recreation. Studies suggest at least 50% of animals shot by Trophy Hunters are not killed instantly and instead die slow painful deaths and killing endangered wildlife for pleasure only helps push them even further towards extinction.
What CBTH does
CBTH campaigns for:​​​
Governments to ban trophy hunting and the import and export of hunting trophies
Effective enforcement of existing national and international laws against trophy hunting, and tough penalties for offenders
An immediate halt to the trade-in trophies of vulnerable threatened or endangered species
Trophy hunting exemptions to be removed from existing international conservation agreements
Negotiations to commence on a comprehensive global agreement banning trophy hunting
How Olsen Animal Trust helps
Provide financial support to contribute towards the running costs of all campaign work
Project Images - hover over for details
A life lost

Trophy Hunting of elephants is very much alive and legal in numerous African countries including South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
Disrespectful humiliation

Hard to believe that humans not only take pleasure in killing beautiful wildlife specimens such as lions, but they also boast about it and post humiliating photographs such as this.
Team 'sport'

A sporting day out for some, a tragic day for the animals who who are killed to provide the entertainment.
Disgraceful industry

Even wildlife non endemic species are shot in Africa. Tigers, panthers and many more big cats are bred in captivity then released into enclosures for blood thirsty hunters to shoot for the fun of it and for their trophies to take home.
Proud killer

One wonders what sort of human being take pride in taking the life of innocent animals. Is this not the behaviour of a psychopathic murderer?
Evil pastime

Proud killers boasting about their victory.
Lobbying at Westminster

CBTH is strategic campaign that involves extensive government lobbying and there are a growing number of supporters who contribute to this crucial element of the campaign work.
Collaborative support

Celebrities such as actor Peter Egan featured here as well as indigenous leaders are avid supporters of the campaign to ban trophy hunting.
Exposing killers

A big part of CTTH’s work is investigating Trophy hunters and exposing them to the public where possible. It’s important that the public are aware of the atrocities of hunting from a government lobbying perspective as it hopefully motivates them to encourage their MP’s to support the ban.
For further information on the work of CBTH please visit